Longer Tours

For those who want the ultimate wilderness experience, we have longer tours with overnight stays in tents andor cabins, where you drive your own sled with 5-6 dogs. The longer tours can be physically demanding. You will be given complete instructions how to drive a dog team before the tour, and of course your guide is always in front of you if you in case you need any help. These tours are available in February and March.

Price per person including VAT, food and lodging, dogs,
dog food, dog equipment and sled. The prices do not
include travel to and from Sweden Husky Tours.

3-day *   SEK 7,000. -
2-day ** SEK 5,400. -

*) The tour starts in Vedungsfjällen about 150 km west
    of Korskrogen. 
**) The tour starts in Björsjö.

On the longer tours we charge a booking fee of SEK 2,000.-/person, the balance due must be received no later than 30 days before the tour starts. The reservation is binding.

If you for any reason should be unable to attend during the tour period,
1. you can transfer the tour at another person, or
2. you can do the tour at a later date upon agreement

We reserve the right to cancel or postpone the tour in case of injury or illness of our dogs or staff, or other things out of our control making it impossible to carry out the tour. Should the tour be cancelled the amount paid in advance will be paid back.